Cancellation Policy
General terms and conditions
At the time of booking, the following hotel contract is considered accepted and concluded subject to the following conditions:
- Co-signatory deposit - unless otherwise specified, the customer is required to pay an advance which can vary from a minimum of 20% to a maximum of 30% of the cost of the stay that guarantees the booking; a written confirmation is also required sent by letter with ordinary mail or by e-mail in response to the requested quote specifying the arrival and departure dates, the type of room and the treatment chosen with your data, including address and telephone number and the approximate time of arrival.
- Failure of the Customer - in the event of withdrawal from the contract by the customer, or in the event of no-show without notice within 7 days, the hotel will retain the amount paid as a co-signatory deposit, without prejudice to any greater damage. In the event of early departure, the hotel is entitled to payment of the agreed amount for the entire stay, unless different and subsequent agreements have been made with the hotelier himself, especially in the event of force majeure.
- Failure of the hotel - in the event of the hotelier's inability to provide the confirmed accommodation services, the hotel must return double the deposit received, without prejudice to greater damage, if the customer does not agree to be relocated to a facility neighboring accommodation of the same or higher category. In case of relocation, the costs for the transfer to another structure and any difference in price of the same are borne by the hotelier who was not able to provide the confirmed services.
- Arrival and departure time – the hotel room is made available to the customer from 12:00 on the day of arrival and must be vacated by the customer no later than 10:00 on the day of departure.
- Dispute settlement clause - all disputes arising from this contract will be referred to the conciliation service of the Ravenna Chamber of Commerce and resolved according to the conciliation regulations adopted by it. In the event of failure of the conciliation attempt, the parties may freely appeal to the competent ordinary judicial authority at the court of the place of residence or elective domicile of the consumer, without exception pursuant to art. 33, co. 2nd, letter u) of the Legislative Decree. n. 206/2005.
Although not expressly agreed, this contract is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code on contracts in general.